July 4, 2022 - Masks Forever??


I think poeple don't have to wear masks in the outside basically, but you should do in nallow space like a train and elevator or talking with strangers.

I think people don't have to wear masks in the outside. Recently years, Japan has high tenperature and humidity. Many people will be got the heat stroak, cuz wear masks. Actually, I almost got it in a week ago. So, in the too hot days, people are better not to wear it outside.

But, when you on the train or talk with someone like a cashier, receptionist or older people, it is better to wear masks. This is from kindness. There are many people in the train and they will touch many people. If you give the Covid, hospital will be hard. 

So, I think wearing masks should not be raw, just kindness. And It's okay not wear in the outside, only do in the nallow public space.


  1. I can see the compromise. But anymore if a store or some place says you must wear a mask, I simply refuse to go in anymore. I will save my money and not give it to them.


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