July 11, 2022 - Mid-Term Long Form Assignment


When I finished the first video, I felt there are too many train routes in Tokyo. It's like a spider net. This is a merit for people who live there or have a purpose. If you want to go somewhere in Tokyo, you can use the nearest station with destination. However, this is also difficult for people, especially from other countries. Even I, there are times I can't go without the map.

And 23 wards of Tokyo has a very high population density. That’s because, many crowded trains. I REALLY hate it. I think we, Japan, should develop the other prefecture.

The second video is so funny and interesting. It’s normal for me, but English speakers feel weird. We don’t care about the importance of words of means. The name probably comes from the sounds. That is an interesting point.

That reminds me of a memory.  

There are many T-shirts written in weird words as well in many countries. When I went to Australia, I saw a person wearing a Japanese kanji T-shirt. It was written  “太ってはいません。”  It  means “I’m not fat ”, but he was such a fat guy. This person probably bought it by design, but for me or someone who knows what it means, it was a great funny irony.


213 words


  1. Maybe he does think he is not fat, that is even funnier! 17/20


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